BATTLELORE - Point Values
Battlelore Conversions from other Games
Battlelore Random Terrain Generator
The basic principle is that point value = attack x defense x modifiers
The attack = the number of dice.
The defence = the number of figures
The modifiers derive from various advantages and disadvantages. They are summed and then applied to the base value.
Each modifier is rated from 10%(minor) to 30% (major)
Unit Types
Red Banner (Heavy) Infantry 4 figures, 4 dice, move 1, shortsword (-10%). PV = 14
Medium Infantry 4 figures, 3 dice, move 1-2 (+5%), shortsword (-10%). PV = 11
Light Infantry 4 figiures, 2 dice, move 2 (+10%), showtsword(-10%) PV=8
Light Bow Infantry 4 figures, 2 dice, move 2 (+10%), range 4 (+30%), reduced attackwhen moving (-10%), does not hit on shield symbols (-30%). PV = 8
Heavy Cavalry 3 figures, 4 dice, move 2 (+10%), resists shortsword (+10%), pursuit (+30%). PV = 18
Medium Cavalry 3 figures, 3 dice, move 3 (+20%), resists shortsword (+10%), pursuit (+30%). PV = 14
Light Cavalry 3 figures, 2 dice, move 4 (+30%), resists shortsword (+10%), pursuit (+30%). PV = 10
Typical force 166 points. My basic reference force is 2 units of each of 7 normal human types.
To use these in a scenario, pick a map at random. 5 card hands.. The player with the higher total movement allowance has the initiative. The player with the lower total move deploys first, and deploys on the rows 2 and 3 of his side. The player with the initiative deploys second, deploying on the first 3 rows of his side. The player with the initiative moves first.
Victory involves destroying half the opposing units.
Sometimes, the descriptions call for burning a card. This means playing an order card to get the desired result, but without the card having its normal effect. A good way of using up useless cards, but the turn is still expended.
Battelore Creatures Army
Battlelore Goblinoid Army
Battlelore Goblinoid No-Creatures Army
Battlelore Goblin & Human Army
Battelore Iron Dwarves-No Creatures
Battlelore Siege Engine Army
Battlelore Water Elemental Army