
Humans with siege engines

BOWMEN Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:4, Green, PV: 8, Number:3

MOVE-PENALTY: Reduce attack by 1 die if moved
REDUCED-HITS: No shield hits

HEAVY INFANTRY Attack:4, Defense:4, Move:1, Range:1, Red, PV: 14, Number:2

SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted

LIGHT INFANTRY Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:1, Green, PV: 8, Number:3

SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted

MEDIUM INFANTRY Attack:3, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:1, Blue, PV: 11, Number:3

COMBAT-MOVE-PENALTY: Subtract 1 from speed when engaging in melee

SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted

SIEGE ENGINE Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:1, Range:1, Red, PV: 12, Number:4

ATTACK-RESISTANT: When attacked, foes are limited to 2 dice, plus any card bonuses.

BOLD: Ignores 1 retreat. Cumulative with support