Iron Dwarf
Iron Dwarves and allies
BOWMEN Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:4, Green, PV: 9, Number:1
MOVE-PENALTY: Reduce attack by 1 die if moved
REDUCED-HITS: No shield hits
EARTH ELEMENTAL Attack:3, Defense:6, Move:0, Range:1, Blue, PV: 36, Number:1
BOLD: Ignores 1 retreat. Cumulative with support
EARTHQUAKE: Burn a card, All surrounding units, friend or foe, must lose 1 figure and retreat as if in a
ELEMENTAL-MOVEMENT: Roll 8 dice to move, 1 hex per lore hit
IMMOVABLE: Never retreats
MOUNTED: Not hit by shields from Short-Weapon
TREMORS: For each lore hit, All surrounding units, friend or foe, MUST retreat 1 hex for each Lore rolled.
Defender's units retreat first, then Creature side.
The order in which units retreat is determined by their controlling player.
HEAVY CAVALRY Attack:4, Defense:3, Move:2, Range:1, Red, PV: 19, Number:2
MOUNTED: Not hit by shields from Short-Weapon
PURSUIT: If enemy destroyed or retreated, may move 1 hex and attack again. No additional pursuit gained if
IRON DWARF CROSSBOWMAN Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:3, Green, PV: 12, Number:1
BOLD: Ignores 1 retreat. Cumulative with support
SLOW-LOADING: No shield hits at range 1
IRON DWARF HEAVY SWORDSMAN Attack:4, Defense:4, Move:1, Range:1, Red, PV: 19, Number:1
BOLD: Ignores 1 retreat. Cumulative with support
SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted
IRON DWARF SWORDSMAN Attack:3, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:1, Blue, PV: 14, Number:3
BOLD: Ignores 1 retreat. Cumulative with support
COMBAT-MOVE-PENALTY: Subtract 1 from speed when engaging in melee
SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted
LIGHT INFANTRY Attack:2, Defense:4, Move:2, Range:1, Green, PV: 9, Number:2
SHORT-WEAPON: No shield hits against Mounted